Results for 'München Irmgard Hofmann'

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  1.  24
    Constanze Giese, Christian Koch, Dietmar Siewert (2006) Pflege und Sterbehilfe. Zur Problematik eines (un-) erwünschten Diskurses.München Irmgard Hofmann - 2006 - Ethik in der Medizin 19 (1):80-82.
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    Christine Fleck-Bohaumilitzky, Christian Fleck (Hrsg.)(2006) Du hast kaum gelebt. Trauerbegleitung für Eltern, die ihre Kinder vor, während oder kurz nach der Geburt verloren haben. [REVIEW]München Irmgard Hofmann - 2006 - Ethik in der Medizin 19 (1):79-80.
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    Doris Fölsch (2008) Ethik in der Pflegepraxis: facultas.wuv, Wien, 229 Seiten, 24,20 € ISBN 978-3-7089-0180-0.Irmgard Hofmann - 2009 - Ethik in der Medizin 21 (1):82-83.
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    Gabriele Wolfslast/Kurt Schmidt (Hrsg.) (2005) Suizid und Suizidversuch. Ethische und rechtliche Herausforderung im klinischen Alltag.Irmgard Hofmann - 2006 - Ethik in der Medizin 18 (2):210-212.
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    Pflegekammern und die berufliche Verantwortung von Pflegefachpersonen – Bedeutung für Mensch und Gesellschaft.Constanze Giese, Irmgard Hofmann, Andrea Kuhn, Sonja Lehmeyer, Wolfgang Pasch, Annette Riedel, Lutz Schütze & Stephanie Wullf - 2024 - Ethik in der Medizin 36 (3):437-445.
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    Irmgard Hofmann (2011) Patientenverfügung in der Pflege für die Aus-, Fort- und Weiterbildung: Reihe Pflegiothek. Cornelsen Verlag, Berlin, 192 Seiten, 17,50 €, ISBN 978-3-06-450334-2. [REVIEW]Sabine Pleschberger - 2013 - Ethik in der Medizin 25 (2):167-168.
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  7. The correspondence theory of truth.Frank Hofmann - manuscript
    Ever since the works of Alfred Tarski and Frank Ramsey, two views on truth have seemed very attractive to many people. On the one hand, the correspondence theory of truth seemed to be quite promising, mostly, perhaps, for its ability to accomodate a realistic attitude towards truth. On the other hand, a minimalist conception seemed appropriate since it made things so simple and unmysterious. So even though there are many more theories of truth around - the identity theory, the prosentential (...)
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    Heideggers Sprachdenken.Irmgard Bock - 1966 - Meisenheim am Glan,: Hain.
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    Die Technik der allegorischen Auslegungswissenschaft bei Philon von Alexandrien.Irmgard Christiansen - 1969 - Tübigen,: Mohr.
  10. Schopenhauer im Münzkabinett des Historischen Museums Frankfurt am Main.Irmgard Foerster - 1988 - Schopenhauer Jahrbuch 69:177-197.
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    Problem und Probleme einer Sinn-erforschenden Philosophie.Paul Hofmann - 1980 - Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta. Edited by Käte Hamburger.
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    Aberglaube und Parapsychologie unter dem Dach der Kirche?Irmgard Oepen - 1980 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 14 (1):260-262.
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    Tot in Rom?: zur Denkfigur Unendlichkeit in den Texten Wilhelm von Humboldts.Irmgard Palladino - 2018 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
    Die Rede ist von einer merkwürdigen Variante deutscher Italiensehnsucht: Dem Wunsch, in Rom begraben zu werden, der im Fall Wilhelm von Humboldts mit einem konkreten Glücksgefühl korreliert. Das ist schon deshalb bemerkenswert, weil Humboldts römischer Aufenthalt vom Sterben dreier seiner Kinder und seines Freundes Schiller überschattet wurde. Die Frage nach dem Niederschlag, den die Auseinandersetzung mit dem Tod in Humboldts Texten fand, rekonstruiert die vorliegende Untersuchung als Form einer Werkpolitik, die es unternimmt, den eigenen Nachruhm in verschiedenen Diskursen zu steuern. (...)
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    Wende der erkenntnis.Irmgard Reichenau - 1935 - Leipzig,: Haleingsche verlagsanstalt.
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  15. Reflections on Kant's Transcendental Psychology: Can it Provide a Bridge to the Transcendent?Irmgard Scherer - 2008 - In Valerio Rohden, Ricardo R. Terra, Guido A. de Almeida & Margit Ruffing (eds.), Recht und Frieden in der Philosophie Kants, 10th International Kant Congress. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 87 - 97.
    I argue that once one holds (as Kant does) that the mind is equipped with innate, pre-existing, i.e. a priori structures, one can ask (as materialists or empiricists would), Is there an identifiable source of such structures and what does it imply? Already Schopenhauer, Moses Mendelssohn and others have taken that route of argument, without fully drawing the implications. In this paper I attempt to do so, posing the query: Is Kant's very explicit separation of the transcendent from the transcendental (...)
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  16. Interpreting the Bible.J. C. K. Von Hofmann & Christian Preus - 1959
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  17. Limits to human enhancement: nature, disease, therapy or betterment?Bjørn Hofmann - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):56.
    New technologies facilitate the enhancement of a wide range of human dispositions, capacities, or abilities. While it is argued that we need to set limits to human enhancement, it is unclear where we should find resources to set such limits. Traditional routes for setting limits, such as referring to nature, the therapy-enhancement distinction, and the health-disease distinction, turn out to have some shortcomings. However, upon closer scrutiny the concept of enhancement is based on vague conceptions of what is to be (...)
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  18.  60
    Undermining autonomy and consent: the transformative experience of disease.Bjørn Hofmann - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (3):195-200.
    Disease radically changes the life of many people and satisfies formal criteria for being a transformative experience. According to the influential philosophy of Paul, transformative experiences undermine traditional criteria for rational decision-making. Thus, the transformative experience of disease can challenge basic principles and rules in medical ethics, such as patient autonomy and informed consent. This article applies Paul’s theory of transformative experience and its expansion by Carel and Kidd to investigate the implications for medical ethics. It leads to the very (...)
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  19. Die Grundakte des Geistes: eine phänomenologische Untersuchung.Irmgard Gindl - 1953 - Wien: Herder.
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  20. Kripkes und Chalmers' Argumente gegen den Materialismus.Frank Hofmann - 2003 - Philosophia Naturalis 40 (1):55-81.
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    Some reflections on the flow of knowledge in digital history.Frank Hofmann - unknown
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  22. Hermeneutik nach Nietzsche: Thesen und Überlegungen im Anschluss an Nietzsches Begriff der Interpretation.J. Nepomuk Hofmann - 1996 - Nietzsche Studien 25:261-306.
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    Erfüllung und Entsagung. Die Leidenschaft der Gottesminne bei Mechthild von Magdeburg.Irmgard Rüsenberg - 2013 - In Martin Thurner & Christian Schäfer (eds.), Passiones Animae: Die "Leidenschaften der Seele" in der Mittelalterlichen Theologie Und Philosophie. Ein Handbuch. De Gruyter. pp. 197-206.
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    The Problem of the a Priori In Sensibility: Revisiting Kant’s and Hegel’s Theories of the Senses.Irmgard Scherer - 1998 - Review of Metaphysics 52 (2):341 - 367.
    KANT AND HEGEL FIND THEMSELVES ON SIMILAR PATHS toward their respective goals to give a total account of reality. They share a deep commitment to science, Wissenschaftlichkeit, and raise the question: Where does science begin? Similarly, they answer: It begins with sense knowledge yet it is not founded in the senses. This essay attempts to reflect on, with the aim of cautiously reassessing, the nonsensible, universal features of sense experience from an idealist perspective. A study of the “science of sensibility,” (...)
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    Human Enhancement: Enhancing Health or Harnessing Happiness?Bjørn Hofmann - 2019 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 16 (1):87-98.
    Human enhancement is ontologically, epistemologically, and ethically challenging and has stirred a wide range of scholarly and public debates. This article focuses on some conceptual issues with HE that have important ethical implications. In particular it scrutinizes how the concept of human enhancement relates to and challenges the concept of health. In order to do so, it addresses three specific questions: Q1. What do conceptions of HE say about health? Q2. Does HE challenge traditional conceptions of health? Q3. Do concepts (...)
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  26. On the triad disease, illness and sickness.Bjørn Hofmann - 2002 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 27 (6):651 – 673.
    The point of departure for this article is a review of the discussion between Twaddle and Nordenfelt on the concepts of disease, illness, and sickness, and the objective is to investigate the fruitfulness of these concepts. It is argued that disease, illness, and sickness represent different perspectives on human ailment and that they can be applied to analyze both epistemic and normative challenges to modern medicine. In particular the analysis reveals epistemic and normative differences between the concepts. Furthermore, the article (...)
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  27. Hospital mergers and acquisitions: A new catalyst for examining organizational ethics.Paul B. Hofmann - 1996 - Bioethics Forum 12 (2):45-48.
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    Simple Co‐Occurrence Statistics Reproducibly Predict Association Ratings.Markus J. Hofmann, Chris Biemann, Chris Westbury, Mariam Murusidze, Markus Conrad & Arthur M. Jacobs - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (7):2287-2312.
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    (1 other version)Is Evidence Normative?Frank Hofmann - 2020 - Philosophia 49 (2):1-18.
    This paper defends the view that in a certain sense evidence is normative. Neither a bit of evidence nor the fact that it is evidence for a certain proposition is a normative fact, but it is still the case that evidence provides normative reason for belief. An argument for the main thesis will be presented. It will rely on evidentialist norms of belief and a Broomean conception of normative reasons. Two important objections will be discussed, one from A. Steglich-Petersen on (...)
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    On the value-ladenness of technology in medicine.Bjørn Hofmann - 2001 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 4 (3):335-345.
    The objective of this article is to analyse the value-ladenness of technology in the context of medicine. To address this issue several characteristics of technology are investigated: i) its interventive capacity, ii) its expansiveness and iii) its influence on the concept of disease, iv) its generalising character, v) its independence of the subjective experience of the patient. By this analysis I hope to unveil the double face of technology: Technology has a Janus-face in modern medicine, and the opposite of its (...)
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    The Impact of Electronic Media on Adolescents, their Everyday Experience, their Learning Orientations and Leisure Time Activities.Irmgard Bontinck - 1986 - Communications 12 (1):21-30.
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  32. Ethical Considerations and Challenges in Pandemics.Paul Hofmann - 2020 - In Frankie Perry (ed.), The tracks we leave: ethics and management dilemmas in healthcare. Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press.
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  33. Komposition : ein "niederträchtiges" Wort?Werner Hofmann - 2000 - In Sigrit Fleiss & Ina Gayed (eds.), Amor vincit omnia: Karajan, Monteverdi und die Entwicklung der Neuen Medien : Symposium 1999. Wien: Zsolnay.
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    Science & technology studies elsewhere: a postcolonial programme.Alexandra Hofmänner - 2020 - Berlin: Scwabe Verlag.
    In April 2017, scientists took to the streets in a historically unprecedented Global March for Science. The event was seen as symbolic of a crisis in the relationship of science and society. This book considers the Global March for Science from a postcolonial perspective to inquire into the toolkit that the academic field of Science & Technology Studies (STS) has to offer. It argues that new concepts and analytical approaches are necessary to investigate current global dynamics in science, technology and (...)
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    Sozialethische Erfordernisse der europäischen Integration.Irmgard Kees - 1973 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 17 (1):49-55.
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  36. Kant und die Berliner Aufklaerung, Ninth International Kant-Congress.Irmgard Scherer - 2001
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    The Crisis of Judgment in Kant's Three Critiques: In Search of a Science of Aesthetics.Irmgard Scherer - 1995 - Peter Lang Incorporated, International Academic Publishers.
    This study focuses on Kant's attempt to find the link between feeling and cognition on a priori grounds in the three Critiques to make philosophical judgment possible. As such it treats the area of aesthetics and its formal principles. This work explores the enigma: How is it that Kant values the talent to judge more than understanding and reason; indeed the lack of it «no school can make good». Yet, even though Kant demonstrates how a priori synthetic judgments and a (...)
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    Deutsche Arbeit" – Arbeitskult im Nationalsozialismus.Irmgard Weyrather - 2004 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 56 (1):18-36.
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    On the triad disease, illness and sickness.Bj⊘ rn Hofmann - 2002 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 27 (6):651-673.
  40. Disease, illness, and sickness.Bjorn Hofmann - 2016 - In Miriam Solomon, Jeremy R. Simon & Harold Kincaid (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Medicine. New York, NY: Routledge.
  41.  77
    Broadening consent--and diluting ethics?B. Hofmann - 2009 - Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (2):125-129.
    Biobank research is potentially fruitful. It is argued that broad consent is acceptable for future research on biological material because a) the benefit is high, b) it pays respect to people’s autonomy, c) it is consistent with current practices and d) because the risk is low. Furthermore, broad consent should be allowed if information is handled safely, people can withdraw and expanded research should be approved by an ethics review board. However, these arguments are flawed and the criteria for broad (...)
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    Vagueness in Medicine: On Disciplinary Indistinctness, Fuzzy Phenomena, Vague Concepts, Uncertain Knowledge, and Fact-Value-Interaction.Bjørn Hofmann - 2022 - Axiomathes 32 (6):1151-1168.
    This article investigates five kinds of vagueness in medicine: disciplinary, ontological, conceptual, epistemic, and vagueness with respect to descriptive-prescriptive connections. First, medicine is a discipline with unclear borders, as it builds on a wide range of other disciplines and subjects. Second, medicine deals with many indistinct phenomena resulting in borderline cases. Third, medicine uses a variety of vague concepts, making it unclear which situations, conditions, and processes that fall under them. Fourth, medicine is based on and produces uncertain knowledge and (...)
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  43.  15
    André-Marie Ampère: Enlightenment and Electrodynamics.James R. Hofmann - 1996 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Absorbing biography of the creative and destructive scientific genius and tragic life of Andr?-Marie Amp're.
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  44.  22
    The death of dignity is greatly exaggerated: Reflections 15 years after the declaration of dignity as a useless concept.Bjørn Hofmann - 2020 - Bioethics 34 (6):602-611.
    Fifteen years ago, Ruth Macklin shook the medical community with her claim in the BMJ that dignity is a useless concept. Her essay provoked a storm of reactions. What have we learned from the debate? In this article I analyse the responses to her essay and the following debate to investigate whether she was right that “[d]ignity is a useless concept in medical ethics and can be eliminated without any loss of content.” While some of the commentaries misconstrued her claim (...)
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    Conflict Minerals and Supply Chain Due Diligence: An Exploratory Study of Multi-tier Supply Chains.Hannes Hofmann, Martin C. Schleper & Constantin Blome - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 147 (1):115-141.
    As recently stakeholders complain about the use of conflict minerals in consumer products that are often invisible to them in final products, firms across industries implement conflict mineral management practices. Conflict minerals are those, whose systemic exploitation and trade contribute to human right violations in the country of extraction and surrounding areas. Particularly, supply chain managers in the Western world are challenged taking reasonable steps to identify and prevent risks associated with these resources due to the globally dispersed nature of (...)
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    Jean-Luc Godard’s Political Filmmaking.Irmgard Emmelhainz - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This book offers an examination of the political dimensions of a number of Jean-Luc Godard’s films from the 1960s to the present. The author seeks to dispel the myth that Godard’s work abandoned political questions after the 1970s and was limited to merely formal ones. The book includes a discussion of militant filmmaking and Godard’s little-known films from the Dziga Vertov Group period, which were made in collaboration with Jean-Pierre Gorin. The chapters present a thorough account of Godard’s investigations on (...)
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    Thomas F. MADDEN, Enrico Dandolo and the rise of Venice.Irmgard Fees - 2006 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 98 (1):135-137.
    Das neue Buch des bereits mit zahlreichen Arbeiten besonders zum Vierten Kreuzzug hervorgetretenen Autors setzt sich aus drei unterschiedlichen, wenn auch eng miteinander verwobenen Teilen zusammen: einer Untersuchung zur Familie und zur Biographie des Dogen Enrico Dandolo, einer Darstellung von Politik und Verfassungsgeschichte Venedigs im 12. Jahrhundert und einer Geschichte des Vierten Kreuzzugs. Die Erzähl- und Argumentationsstränge der drei Teile sind vielfach miteinander verschränkt und verfolgen gemeinsam ein viertes Ziel: anschaulich zu machen, daß die politischen und verfassungsrechtlichen Entwicklungen des 12. (...)
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    Norm-reasons and evidentialism.Frank Hofmann & Christian Piller - 2019 - Analysis 79 (2):202-206.
    It has been argued by Clayton Littlejohn that cases of insufficient evidence provide an argument against evidentialism. He distinguishes between evidential reasons and norm-reasons, but this distinction can be accepted by evidentialists, as we argue. Furthermore, evidentialists can acknowledge the existence of norm-reasons stemming from an epistemic norm, like the norm that one should not believe a proposition if one has only insufficient evidence for it. An alternative interpretation of evidentialism according to which it rejects the existence of norm-reasons is (...)
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    Revisiting Kant's General Metaphysics: in terms of a Completed Transcendental Psychology.Irmgard Scherer - 2001 - In Kant und die Berliner Aufklaerung, Ninth International Kant-Congress. pp. 424-432.
    In this paper I argue for the "incompleteness thesis" of Kant's General Metaphysics before completing a full analysis of the power of judgment which only occurred in the Critique of Judgment-Power. Kant scholars have argued that Kant's General Metaphysics was completed with the Critique of Pure Reason and the Third Critique added nothing significant to this quest. One of the issues in this paper is to understand Kant's various "transition problems" and their solution to unify knowledge under a metaphysics, all (...)
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  50. In defence of metaphysical analyticity.Frank Hofmann & Joachim Horvath - 2008 - Ratio 21 (3):300-313.
    According to the so-called metaphysical conception of analyticity, analytic truths are true in virtue of meaning (or content) alone and independently of (extralinguistic) facts. Quine and Boghossian have tried to present a conclusive argument against the metaphysical conception of analyticity. In effect, they tried to show that the metaphysical conception inevitably leads into a highly implausible view about the truthmakers of analytic truths. We would like to show that their argument fails, since it relies on an ambiguity of the notion (...)
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